Boy Group | Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit | Wk 4

We began our Sunday Boy Group session with our usual check-ins – with each Boy sharing about their lows and highs for the past week. This allowed for a brief conversation about dealing with anxiety and frustration that arose for some of the Boys.

The Boys then took out their "Butcher Paper Bodies" and had a chance to write down goals that they have for themselves: one for the next week, one for the next month, and a goal that they have for the next year. Once they finished that, we came back to our circle and the Boys shared the goals they wrote down and reflected about.

We then talked about how we can support one another’s goals. Some ideas from the group - simply listening to each other, encouraging each other and checking in with each other next week to see how our one week goal went.

I then read Ann Kelley’s poem Fairy Godmother to the group, which talks about the gift of seeing beauty in the ordinary of everyday nature. We briefly talked about why nature is such a gift and how it can help us to be calm and connect with our internal selfs.

Our session ended by talking about trust … by doing a trust circle & fall. The Boys had to lean into their peers and trust that they would be supported and upheld. We discussed the importance of supporting one another, trusting one another and being responsible for one another. We encourage you to continue the conversation outside of Boy Group. How does your Boy feel supported? How do we develop trust and share that with others? How are we responsible for each other? At home? At school?

Looking forward to connecting again on Sunday 10/14 and 11/4. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. We are here for you and your Boys.



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