Girl Group Mission
Girl Group strives to create a gathering space where adolescents can ponder questions, share knowledge and work together to navigate our changing world. We are committed to creating a strength driven, community-building experience through talk, action and mentorship.
We give the girls a notebook at the beginning of the session and encourage them to write down their questions, doodle, rip out pages, whatever -- at first, this kind of freedom kind of freaks them out, but soon they realize the value of having this little storage bin at their finger tips. A notebook is a place to ORGANIZE, OBSERVE, RUMINATE.
We do a lot of sharing, but we encourage the girls to really think before they talk. We try to identify nervous chatter. We talk about the power of silence. Kids are so programmed to raise hands that they've stopped listening for the ebb and flow of conversation. We encourage active listening.
When words fail us, what is our point of entry? We turn to expressive arts to make it safe to begin dialogue. We highligh multiple ways of knowing through drama, building, collage and dance.