Happy Mother's Day 2018

In our minds, every day should be “Mother’s Day” and “Father’s Day” and “Parent’s Day.” But on this day, we join with the flower shops and card companies to celebrate the stay-awakers, the sandwich makers, the grocery shoppers and car-pool hoppers.

We celebrate the working mothers and the stay-at-homers. We celebrate the muddle, the middle, the whispered-parental huddle. Cook in or take-out, we love you. We love you for dusting or not dusting. For driving the kids to school in your pajamas, for working two jobs, for admitting that you were bad at math. We love that you can do complex trigonometry in your head.

We love your style. We love your clogs, your stilettos, your steel-toed boots. We love the way you pull your hair off your face into a messy bun secured with a pencil. We love pony-tails and mom-bobs and we applaud you for going gray or dying blue or highlighting blonde. We love your natural curls, your perfectly ironed strands. We love the manicured or deeply chewed nails on your hands.

We celebrate the community leaders and storybook readers. We throw a parade for the moms who married other moms, for the moms who married their high school sweethearts or that guy they met at a bar, for the single moms and the divorced moms and the adopted moms. We love you for crying in the bathroom, for punching your pillow or running uphill. We love you for cranking up your tunes or sitting in silence.

We love you. We see you. We celebrate you.

We are in this together! Girl Group Enterprises wants to partner with you to raise sensitive, kind boys and strong, articulate girls. We want to help you encourage your children to be flexible, compassionate and curious.

We are here to help.


#girlgroup #momsday #weloveyou

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